Health savings accounts (HSAs)
Start saving smarter for life
Your HSA is ready when you need it. Whether it’s refills today, or health costs down the road, you’re saving smart with an HSA.
Flexible spending accounts (FSAs)
Make your money go further
Your FSA allows you to use pre-tax funds for health and care costs for you and your family. You save on every dollar you put into your FSA.
Help offset costs for eligible expenses
An HRA is an employer-funded account for health care expenses.
Heading into work?
Save on the cost of commuting to work by paying with pre-tax money.
Improve your work-life balance
Employer-funded assistance for expenses help improve your work-life balance.
Use your health account dollars wisely
Use our tools to help you save, pay and invest for your health care from now into retirement.
HSA calculator
Find contribution details and how savings may grow over time.
Retirement checkup
Estimate your health care costs during retirement so you can be prepared.
Qualified expenses
Use our qualified medical expense search tool to find out what expenses qualify.
FSA calculator
See how much you can save on eligible health and day care expenses.
The Optum Store — your destination for eligible products
The Optum Store makes it easy to find what products and services are eligible.
Check out using your HSA or FSA card and skip the paperwork, plus, you save up to 30%* because you’re using pre-tax dollars.
Use code OPTFSA7 with your FSA to receive a 7% discount.
Use code OPTHSA5 with your HSA to receive a 5% discount.
We're here to help
Whether you’ve just opened your account or you’re preparing to retire, our resources make it easy to save, pay and invest in your future.
How to use your HSA
Learn more about the tax benefits of an HSA, who you can spend your funds on and what types of expenses are qualified.
Start saving today by boosting your HSA balance
Explore investment options to help meet your financial goals
Get tips for spending your FSA dollars
Use your health account dollars
Save money by using your health account dollars on qualified medical expenses.
Optum Store
Shop eligible products
Optum Store makes it easy to find eligible expenses. Shop using your HSA or FSA card to save 30%* since you’re using pre-tax dollars.
Eligible expenses
What can I buy?
Does your expense qualify? Use our qualified expense search tool to find out what expenses you can spend your HSA and FSA dollars on.
*Savings compares using pre-tax income in your health benefit account (HSA, FSA) to using after tax income for purchases and assumes a 30% combined tax rate from all applicable federal, state, and FICA taxes. Results and amount will vary depending on your circumstances.