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Health plan leaders' priorities and challenges

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"Health plan executives look forward" summarizes insights and strategies garnered from over 30 conversations with executives. These leaders include community, regional, national, provider-sponsored and Blue plan partners.

After reading the study, leaders wanted to explore how to apply what we learned to issues they're facing. So we created additional resources in the form of e-books and white papers. Access these resources below to explore issues that are important to you and your peers.

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Please complete the form to download the "Health plan executives look forward" study.

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Download our study above or take a deeper dive into related topics below.


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Responding to the new market reality

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Invest in innovations that meet consumers on their terms.

Read the e-book

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Pitfalls health plans may be overlooking

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Learn about four potential pitfalls that could derail progress and the strategies needed to overcome them.

Read the white paper

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Growth with government contracts

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Expansion in government programs creates new opportunities for growth.

Read the white paper