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A model market-performance partnership

John Muir Health and Optum partner to advance quality of care.

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Advancing patient care through IT integration

Historically, health systems have modernized their IT strategies in one of two ways. They either lean on in-house expertise or work with a vendor partner to manage a slice of operations through consulting or professional services. 

Digital transformation is about enablement

It’s not about the latest — or shiniest — technology. It’s answering: How do we enable an organization to achieve their objectives through digital solutions? This question launched a multi-functional collaboration between Optum and health care provider John Muir Health in September 2019.

As the first of its kind, the partnership between the two organizations allows Optum to manage John Muir Health’s essential nonclinical functions. These include IT, revenue cycle management, analytics, purchasing, risk operations and care management.

This in turn will help the health care organization grow its business and reach new patients. Our unique provider-vendor relationship demonstrates firsthand how IT initiatives can be the backbone for success, by improving care access and provider experience.

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