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Create a focused approach to cessation.

Reimagining quit services for the future

On Demand


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Help individuals quit tobacco for good

When it comes to tobacco cessation, the traditional one-size-fits-all approach isn't enough. To keep up with the changing landscape and demand for results, a flexible, personalized solution is needed.

The good news? There is an opportunity to reimagine services to better serve the needs of individuals looking to quit and stay quit.

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In this webinar, we will explore:

  • What trends are impacting cessation programs
  • How tobacco diversification, including vaping, is driving a need for change
  • Where programs should focus their efforts
  • What other factors need to be addressed to move forward
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View our on-demand webinar
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When you're ready to talk to an expert, contact us.

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Mary Kokstis
Director of Product Capabilities, Prevention and Well-being, Coaching, Optum

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Etta Short,
Senior Product Manager, Clinical Development, Optum