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Market Performance Partnership

John Muir Health and Optum — a model partnering opportunity


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Partnering for success and stability

After extensive evaluation of possible partners, John Muir Health chose Optum to manage key health system functions for the organization. These include information technology, revenue cycle management and analytics, and further enhancing of ambulatory care coordination and utilization services.

Navigating challenges old and new

Despite its success in delivering high-quality care, John Muir Health was facing challenges that aren’t unusual for today's health care systems. It was experiencing tight margins, an unsustainable cost structure, a competitive market, consumer demands and high administrative costs. 

All of these factors led to a strategic partnership that enabled financial sustainability, operational excellence and innovation while maintaining independence. This has enabled John Muir to focus on delivering high-quality care to the communities it serves.

Learn how Optum® Market Performance Partnerships support and encompass: 

  • Maintaining independence
  • Financial sustainability
  • Ongoing innovation tools
  • Pathways to improved local care delivery
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