Don't delay. Schedule your appointment today. If you're feeling well, we want to keep it that way. If not, we want to help you get better.
Regular visits throughout the year are important. They help your doctor find problems early when they're easier to fix. Best of all, they help keep you feeling your best.
Feeling and staying well is the goal. Let's keep you that way. We do that by having regular visits with you. They help us catch problems early when they're easier to care for.
We'll help you meet your health goals with screenings and doctor visits during the year. We'll also help you get the right specialist care, if you need it. We'll also be sure to help take care of any other medical needs that might crop up.
After your first visit, you'll also want to sign up for the patient portal. You can use it to keep up to date on your medical information, and send messages to your doctor.
You can start after your first visit. Once you sign up, you can:
- Pay bills
- Complete forms
- Check your vitals
- Find your lab results
- View your health records
- Get appointment reminders
- Read messages from your care team, and more
Your primary care doctor makes sure you get the care you need. This includes referring you to trusted specialists across the Optum Care network. Talk to your doctor to learn more.
Check with your clinic. You may earn a reward for completing this visit. Restrictions apply. Annual Wellness Visit rewards vary by state. You must complete an Annual Wellness Visit with one of our doctors or providers to get this reward. Limit one per patient, per year.
Helpful resources
Health articles
Find tips that inspire healthy living at any age, on topics important to you.
Virtual community center
Our classes help keep you healthy, from the comfort of your own home.
Your health screening checklist
Download our checklist and track your appointments all in one place.
*Patient information is for illustrative purposes only. While based on an actual patient story, the picture, name, age and other identifiable information have been changed to protect their privacy.
**Restrictions apply. Limit one per patient, per year. Annual Wellness Visit rewards vary by state.