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Risk Management

Reduce worries with sustained financial risk management.

Flexible stop loss insurance lets you focus on your business. Avoid cash flow issues due to catastrophic claims, and structure benefits to prevent any gaps in coverage. Reduce anxiety over transplant costs by outsourcing the risks with our Managed Transplant Program.


63% of customers

with Experience Reward received a refund.1


Provide stop loss

to 750+ groups with 50-25,000 employees2


Less than 1% claims

reimbursement requests are denied3

Discover how to partner with Optum today

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  1. Optum analysis as of 12/31/2015.
  2. Optum analysis as of 12/31/2015.
  3. Denials due to ineligible coverage under our stop loss contract; Optum analysis as of 12/31/2015.